Welcome to Friends of Connecticut Libraries (FOCL). FOCL's mission is to facilitate communication, collaboration, and advocacy among Friends groups and libraries throughout the state. Libraries are enjoying renewed usage, but many libraries have had significant budget cuts. Your role is to support your libraries by providing funds to pay for things over and above your library’s budgets. FOCL is here to assist you. We encourage you to join/renew your 2024-2025 membership in FOCL, along with 100 other local Friends groups, individual library friends, and library directors to support this effort. What does FOCL offer to our members? These are some of the benefits:
Most importantly, if you have not already received a membership renewal email, we encourage you to fill out your membership information and pay your dues online by clicking on the Join Us tab above and selecting either the Group Membership or the Individual Membership form which includes Library Directors and Other Organizations. If you have previously created an account, log into your profile at https://foclib.org/Sys/Profile with your email address and password and follow suggested actions on your profile screen. If you don't know your password, reset it at https://foclib.org/Sys/ResetPasswordRequest. If you need help logging in, email friendsctlibraries@gmail.com. If you prefer, you can also print/mail your membership form with payment to FOCL ~ Middletown Library Service Center ~ 786 South Main St ~ Middletown CT 06457 Thank you for all you do for libraries in Connecticut and for supporting FOCL’s work! Please let us know if there are any other ways that we can serve your group and library. FOCL is a 501(c)(3) organization.
What is FOCL?The Friends of Connecticut Libraries (FOCL) is a non-profit organization consisting of local Friends groups, organizations and individual members who believe that libraries are an essential resource for the citizens of our State. We provide newsletters, workshops, conferences and visitations that support Friends functions such as fundraising, sponsorship of educational and entertainment programs, advocacy for their library, and in-library volunteer work like shelving and data processing. |
News & Announcements
| Book Sales & Fundraisers |