Publicize your Book Sales and Fundraising Events!

FOCL often receives questions about publicizing Friends’ Used Book Sales. There are several ways in which FOCL can help.

  • Membership Form - When your group submits a membership form or renewal form, there is a section that asks for book sale information as well as your other activities. When your form is received, the information is added to the FOCL website under the Calendar of Events section.
  • Event Calendar -  If you add a new event or have changes or corrections, please email them to our webmaster Bart Drennen ( and he will add or correct them on the Calendar of Events.
  • FOCL-Forum - Another great way to publicize them is by becoming a member of FOCL-Forum. FOCL members can send an email describing your event directly to a large group of other Friends groups or members. For help in subscribing to  (or unsubscribing from) FOCL-Forum, please go to the FOCL website and read about it under Resources.
  • Facebook - the FOCL Facebook page can also help to advertise your event to a group of 650 followers from CT and beyond. To do this, please send your flyer as a jpg or Word document (not as a pdf as that seems to cause a problem)to Carl Nawrocki ( and he will post it for you.

FOCL is here to help our members and advertising FOCL members’ Used Book Sales is another great reason to become (or renew) your membership!

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